Park Public School opened in February 1958. It is located north of Penrith in
the electorate of Londonderry. In 2020 there is an enrolment of over 560
students. 18% of students identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander while
18% of students have English as a second language. The school includes 21
mainstream classes, four support classes and a two class pre-school that
recently achieved an exceeding rating. There is a full-time teaching staff of
34 including two non-teaching executive members, and 1.6 Instructional Leaders.
Six part-time teaching staff support students requiring additional assistance
and substantial school learning support officers provide teachers with
additional support in all school settings. The school provides an extensive
range of evidence-based programs and initiatives in addition to the core
curriculum. The school integrates Positive Behaviour for Learning into its day
to day educational provision. Dance, Choir, Sport, Chess club and Debating
feature as part of the extra-curricular offerings available to students.