Cambridge Park High School is a proudly comprehensive school with an enrolment of 740 students, including 91 students who identify as Aboriginal and 131 students from a non-English speaking background. The school has a strong commitment to differentiated teaching and learning to meet the needs of our students. Our highly skilled and dedicated teachers focus on quality teaching with an emphasis on strategies to promote excellence, engagement and equity in learning. School leaders and staff work with academic partners to implement Visible and Challenging Learning across the school. The school is a partner hub school for Western Sydney University in developing quality induction and practicum programs for Pre-Service and early career teachers. Implementing evidence based pedagogical practice is a priority area for both early career and experienced teachers. We have active links with a range of tertiary education providers, businesses and the local community. Our students thrive in an atmosphere which provides for co-curricula learning experiences for students with an interest and passion in sport, creative and performing arts, leadership and community service. We value the positive contribution that parents play in our success. Further information can be found on the school website: