Cabramatta West Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago

Cabramatta West Public School has an enrolment of 530 students. The school caters for students from diverse language, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, including 92% students from a non-English speaking background. Cabramatta West Public School is participating in the Early Action for Success strategy and has multiple instructional leaders as part of this initiative to support our strong commitment to research-based literacy and numeracy programs. The school’s current priorities include curriculum implementation and evidence-based teaching practices. The school values equity and excellence in education, focussing on development of the whole child. The school is committed to strengthening inclusivity and actively engaging families and the community.  Features of the school include a support unit, extensive learning and support programs, playgroup transition to school program, a focus on student wellbeing and community language programs in Vietnamese. The school and its community are committed to the strategic directions as identified in the 2018-2020 School Plan. A copy of the School Plan and further information about the school can be found on the school website

02 97243332
02 97278636
Broad St
New South Wales
Broad St
