Cabramatta Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Cabramatta Public School is located in a bustling suburb in Sydney’s South West. The student enrolment is 680 students with 95% coming from EALD Backgrounds representing over 40 different cultural groups of which the largest are Vietnamese and Cambodian. The school community demonstrates a high aspiration for quality teaching and learning and participates in the Early Action for Success literacy and numeracy initiative.

Key features of the school’s provision are a Special Education Support Unit with 2 IO/AU classes and an IM class; specialist EALD and Learning Support Teachers, Community Language program in Vietnamese, Khmer and Chinese; Schools as Community Centre, and a Kindergarten Transition to School program.

02 97242474
02 97282249
Cnr Cabramatta Rd & Levuka St
New South Wales
PO Box 152
