Brooke Avenue Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Brooke Avenue Public School is located on the Central Coast of NSW, serving a diverse population. There are currently over 470 students, representing 21 different nationalities, 74 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students and a total of 61 staff. The school is an Early Action for Success school providing 3 tiers of intervention support for students in K-2. These interventions include aspects of Language, Learning and Literacy (L3). The school has a strong focus on the development of literacy and numeracy skills while continuing to provide a wide range of extra-curricula activities to extend and enrich student learning. The school provides a safe and secure learning environment, which is underpinned by Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). Our school enjoys a strong partnership with the other schools in the Tuggerah Lakes Learning Community, the local Kuriwa AECG, our local preschools and our active and supportive P&C.  In 2019, we have established 2 support classes taking the total number classes to 20.


A copy of the school plan and annual school report can be found on the school website:

02 43331022
02 43326570
96 Brooke Ave
New South Wales
96 Brooke Ave
