Bourke High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago

Bourke High School serves a small isolated community in the far north west of NSW and has an enrolment of approximately 156 students, including 80% Aboriginal students. The school is a Connected Communities comprehensive high school providing a quality education in a caring and supportive environment. The school features a strong vocational education and training focus in Years 9 -12. The school has an Outback Trade Training Centre which includes a metalwork facility and a hospitality facility. Bourke High School offers an inclusive academic curriculum while fostering sporting, social and cultural opportunities to meet the needs and interests of students. The school has a positive welfare focus with programs in place to address the students' social, as well as educational, needs. Bourke High School has a sound commitment to literacy and numeracy development and has well resourced programs to support student learning. As a 6 point Connected Communities school teaching positions at  Bourke High School attracts extra incentives. For more information on teacher incentives go to

02 68722522
02 68723267
32 Tarcoon St
New South Wales
PO Box 594
