Bourke High School serves a small isolated community in the far north west of NSW and has an enrolment of approximately 156 students, including 80% Aboriginal students. The school is a Connected Communities comprehensive high school providing a quality education in a caring and supportive environment. The school features a strong vocational education and training focus in Years 9 -12. The school has an Outback Trade Training Centre which includes a metalwork facility and a hospitality facility. Bourke High School offers an inclusive academic curriculum while fostering sporting, social and cultural opportunities to meet the needs and interests of students. The school has a positive welfare focus with programs in place to address the students' social, as well as educational, needs. Bourke High School has a sound commitment to literacy and numeracy development and has well resourced programs to support student learning. As a 6 point Connected Communities school teaching positions at Bourke High School attracts extra incentives. For more information on teacher incentives go to