Blacktown Girls High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Blacktown Girls High School is an inclusive school with an enrolment of both academically selective students and local comprehensive students totalling 762. The school presents a vibrant culture of achievement, opportunity and success with the staff also delivering outstanding enrichment programs including Robotics, Creative & Performing Arts and Sport. All pathways to university, TAFE and work are studied and promoted. The HSC program also includes acceleration, vocational education, work placements and traineeships leading to industry accreditation and certification. The School has 2% Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students and 84% of students from a language background other than English; a number of whom are refugees. We embrace and celebrate cultural diversity and provide proactive programs promoting respect, tolerance and harmony which together with a caring staff, allow students to feel safe, happy and committed to achieving their best. Equity programs to support refugees, students from a language background other than English and Aboriginal students are also delivered by staff and outside agencies.

02 98317577
02 98317838
Fifth Ave
New South Wales
PO Box 6009
