Berkeley Public School

School / Last updated 5 years ago

Berkeley Public School is located in the Illawarra area and has an enrolment of 349 students. The school has 15 classes and draws from both public and private housing. Our student population is a mix from many different backgrounds. 21% of our students come from an English as a Second Language background and 15% of students identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. 

The school has a strong focus on quality teaching practices including Visible Learning and formative assessment strategies. As an Early Action for Success school the instructional leader works closely with K-3 teachers focusing on improving literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students. We are committed to delivering researched based pedagogy in both English and mathematics across the school.

Staff members are highly dedicated professionals, including early career and experienced teachers. All staff hold high expectations for teaching and learning and demonstrate this through commitment to their own ongoing learning. The school aims to provide an environment which encourages all students to achieve their full potential and develop as life-long learners.

Practices to ensure high levels of student well-being are of the highest priority and encompass all areas of student development. The Positive Behaviour for Learning program operates and promotes the values of Respect, Responsibility, Safety and Cooperation.

Berkeley Public School is supported by a positive and active P&C. The school works within a strong learning community with other local primary schools and Illawarra Sports High School.

For further information please refer to the school website which contains a wide cross section of information relating to the school:

02 42711171
02 42714304
Lot 32 George St
New South Wales
Lot 32 George St
