Belmore Boys High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago

Belmore Boys High School is a family of approximately 390 students and 45 staff. Our diverse student population represents 35 languages with 98% of students from language backgrounds other than English. Our school is a boys' education specialist focusing on the academic, social and emotional growth of our students. Our boys enjoy positive relationships with their teachers and peers, which allow them to be creative and confident learners who recognise the importance of learning and wellbeing. Our learning environment provides students with tailored learning experiences through planned, explicit and differentiated learning activities. Our school also offers a wide curriculum allowing students to successfully transition into a diverse range of future learning and employment. At Belmore Boys High School, we take pride in being an inclusive community working closely with local partners to ensure success for our students. Every individual, staff and student, is celebrated as a unique member of our family.

02 97582800
02 97405834
193 Burwood Rd
New South Wales
193 Burwood Rd
