Bega Valley Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago

Bega Valley Public School, a proud member of the Sapphire Coast Learning Community (SCLC), is the only public primary school in Bega. The current enrolment of approximately 300 students includes 13 mainstream classes K– 6 and a Support Unit comprising of three multi categorical classes. 18% of Bega Valley Public School students have Aboriginal heritage.Targeted funding support is received for students who require high, moderate or low level adjustment for disability, or who require specific support. Equity loadings provide funds to support Aboriginal students and students from low socio–economic backgrounds, as well as a rural and remote component. Our school is an Early Action for Success school, receiving additional staffing to access the highest quality instructional leadership support aimed at improving Literacy and Numeracy performance of our students K–6. Bega Valley Public School has a strong sporting culture with outstanding performances by teams and individuals being a highlight of each year. Extra–curricular engagement programs operate weekly including bike, choir, band, ICT &robotics, Debating and Public Speaking Challenges, Ukulele group, Guitar group and other music groups. Our school is strengthening its links within our community. Student leadership opportunities, celebrating Education Week, the Aboriginal Cultural Program, engagement in remembrance and community based services, links with University of Wollongong, local Pre-Schools, Bega High School, Bega Valley Shire Library and Arts' programs all contribute to a healthy sense of community and school spirit.

27 Auckland St
New South Wales
27 Auckland St
Bega, New South Wales, Australia
