Beauty Point Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago

Beauty Point Public School, approximate enrolment 300,  is located overlooking Middle Harbour in Mosman . Every student is known, valued and cared by enthusiastic and dedicated staff members with varying levels of experience.

Beauty Point Public School consistently achieves outstanding academic results. It has an articulate, well-educated and highly involved parent community. The P & C works in close collaboration with the school executive and staff to provide additional resources to enhance the educational experience for all.

The school has a strong focus on student improvement in literacy and numeracy using a trans-disciplinary approach to all teaching and learning programs.


The staff and school community support a wide range of extra-curricular programs including dance, band, drama, choirs, sport and music.


02 99694202
02 99681210
17 Medusa St
New South Wales
17 Medusa St
