Bass High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

Bass High School is a co–educational 7–12 school of 637 students. A Support Unit provides programs for 55 students with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities. The school serves a diverse student population with 65% from a non–English speaking background and 24 Aboriginal students. Equity funding targets school improvement and innovation supporting teachers to collaborate and share quality practice. Our teaching staff has a strong commitment to improving student learning and engagement through quality teaching, wellbeing, professional learning and a focus on literacy and numeracy. The welfare team supports students at each stage of their development through a range of programs and practices that enhance student wellbeing. The explicit teaching and modelling of positive behaviour through the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) program is a whole school priority. Parents, carers and a vibrant and diverse community play a valued role in the life of the school supported by the Parents and Citizens’ Association and the Community Engagement Officer.

02 97263644
02 97240523
Arundle Rd
Bass Hill
New South Wales
PO Box 7127
