Barellan Central School

School / Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago

Barellan Central School (enrolment 98 students, including 8% Aboriginal students) is a K–12 school located in the northern Riverina of NSW, 49km North of Leeton and 55km East of Griffith.


Our school provides highly successful vocational education and training programs. We are one of six central schools which make up the successful Riverina Access Partnership (RAP), utilising video conference technology to deliver a broad curriculum choice in completing the Higher School Certificate curriculum.


The school’s strategic directions include a sustained focus on Quality Teaching and Learning, Wellbeing and Community Partnerships including developing a PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) model and developing Quality Systems that Support High Expectations.


The school is strongly supported by an active and involved P&C.


The school has numerous ramps installed throughout the school for comprehensive accessibility.
02 69639202
02 69639302
26 Boree St
New South Wales
48-50 Mulga St
