Bankstown West Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago

Bankstown West Public School has a current enrolment of 349 students with 96% of students coming from a language background other than English. The school is represented by over 20 nationalities and 26 language backgrounds.

The skilled and dedicated staff, at various career stages, provide a balanced and diverse curriculum.

Quality explicit teaching takes place in well-organised, well-managed and well-resourced classes with high expectations of student behaviour and achievement. High engagement of students and strong relationships with parents are important goals of the school.

Literacy, Numeracy, Student Wellbeing and Future Focused Learning are our key priorities with a strong emphasis on high quality, evidence based teaching programs which foster a positive growth mindset and promote active community participation.

02 97906158
02 97967782
William St
New South Wales
William St
