ACHPER advocates for the professional growth and interests of its members and focus areas of Health, Physical Education, Sport, Recreation & Dance. ACHPER collaborates with a range of agencies to improve the standing and environment in which its members work as professionals. Each of the focus areas has a standing directorate which monitor, review, discuss, share ideas and advise on developments in the focus areas. Directorates coordinate training and development for ACHPER members and those with an interest in the wider community, discuss pertinent issues relevant to their area, and maintain an active interest in ACHPER activities and publications. Training and development programs are developed so members can develop their skills and gain appropriate accreditation.
All members receive a discount to State based quality professional development activities to develop personal skills, ranging from small Workshops, Seminars to State Conferences.
ACHPER provides top quality resources for members and non-members. ACHPER advocate for the professional growth and interests of its members, and promote healthy lifestyles throughout the community. ACHPER collaborates with a range of government, non government, education, community and commercial agencies to improve the environment in which its members work as professionals.