The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT), founded in 1966, is the nation’s premier organisation of mathematics educators. It aims to:
- support and enhance the work of teachers;
- promote the learning of mathematics; and
- represent and promote interests in mathematics education.
AAMT is a federation of eight associations of teachers of mathematics from each Australian State and Territory and has approximately 4500 individual and institutional members.
AAMT actively serves the needs of members and others in the mathematics education community through:
- facilitating the professional networking of teachers and educators, both in person and online;
- developing formal policies and position statements about facets of mathematics education;
- publishing hard copy and electronic newsletters;
- publishing three refereed journals which are available by subscription: Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, The Australian Mathematics Teacher and Australian Senior Mathematics Journal;
- publishing books and conference proceedings;
- conducting national conferences;
- undertaking projects and consultancy work with governments, industry, universities, and other organisations;
- acting as a consultant and lobbyist on mathematics education issues;
- building relationships with other education associations and organisations;
- providing selected Australian and international mathematics resources through its mail order catalogue;
- advocating the development and use of professional standards for teachers, including AAMT’s own “Standards for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics in Australian Schools”.
There are many benefits to being an AAMT member, including substantial discounts on goods and services provided by the association. The AAMT does not have direct membership: you need to join your local State/Territory afilliated association.