Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages in the ACT (ATESOL)

Professional development / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

ATESOL ACT is the Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages in the Australian Capital Territory.

Our members work within a range of contexts including school education, school and adult new arrivals programs, ELICOS, tertiary studies and research programs.

We aim to support all teachers and learners of English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) within the ACT.

We offer workshops and seminars which cater for all professionals working in the TESOL field and welcome mainstream teachers to our events.

We are currently running a series of workshops on what, why, and how to use the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority’s EAL/D learning progression.

Keeping with the aim of all of our professional learning sessions, these workshops present theory and pedagogy, and develop understanding through high-level discussions.

In week 6 of each term we hold networking events for TESOL and EAL/D professionals to catch up with colleagues from different settings, broaden networks, and discuss all things EAL/D and TESOL.

Fern Hyde

President, ATESOL ACT
