Ashcroft High School (AHS) was established in 1964 and has a growing enrolment currently of 580, including 62% LBOTE and 18% students of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background.
AHS receive equity funding in order to assist economic and social disadvantage. The school has built its intellectual and whole person focus through high–level teaching and learning (NSW Quality Teaching framework) embedded in practice since 2004 as a teacher and student learning partnership. The school’s student leadership council [SLC] has a membership of 20% of the student body inclusive of four portfolios.
The school embraces integrated interdisciplinary research-based practice including the Ashcroft Research Centre which will comprise student, educator and school community work. AHS integrates a large allied health team within the learning context together with a student support services team and learning centre.
The school’s key purpose is to continue to develop, promote and enable an integrated whole–person pre-to-post school community model and the concept of students leading learning. This position also supervisors a small Home Economics team.