Adelaide - International College of Hotel Management

Campus / Last updated 2 years, 6 months ago

We are ICHM. A new breed business educator, here to advance new breed thinkers. ICHM champions ‘learning forward’ - focusing on the learning of tomorrow as industry ready grads. Giving young talent the skills, networks, and hands -on experience to hit the ground running. Founded on the success of ICHM’s previously university owned, renowned hospitality in business college, we have broadened our focus with a Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Business in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, as well as the well-established Hospitality Bachelors. ICHM is learning for change by educating future grads, to be future equipped and ready to join the workforce as a high performing asset. We educate in modern ways with ‘hybrid learning’, that mixes on-line education with intern and externships made for grads to hit the ground running. This is Business made different. Designed to be dynamic, creative, and connected - and always focused on the outcome - an awesome job at the end of it. This is you at ICHM, learning to change for a changing business world

(61 8) 8228 3636
Gerald Lipman
Chief Executive
08 8228 3610
131-139 Currie Street
Adelaide SA
