Abbotsford Public School

School / Last updated 2 years, 7 months ago

Abbotsford Public School is located within the inner west of Sydney and is nestled on a peninsular which is framed by the Parramatta River. With the recent redrawing of school boundaries and the rebuilding of nearby Russell Lea Primary School, our enrolment numbers are relatively stable at 519 students. Abbotsford Public School has established a reputation for providing quality education, comprehensive sporting programs, and a committed approach to supporting the wellbeing of our diverse school community.
The school currently comprises 19 classes, with specialist programs which include the support of the teacher librarian, specialist music teacher, English as an Additional Language/Dialect, a specialist Learning and Support teacher and a Community Language program in Italian.
Attached to the school is an Aftercare service, which is managed by a fulltime educator team who support up to 150 students each day, before and after school. The school has a very supportive P&C, which actively fundraise to provide resources to support teaching and learning programs. It also organises events to enhance the community spirit of the school.

Taverners Hill Infants School is a small Kindergarten-Year Two school located in the inner west suburb of Petersham, 8km from the Sydney CBD. Our families come from a variety of cultural backgrounds. The majority of our students come from a high socio-economic background. Taverners Hill has an inclusive family orientated atmosphere and a strong sense of community. The school fosters a culture of high expectations and high levels of community engagement.
Staff and parents work in partnership to meet the needs of all our students. In 2021 we have utilised equity funding and other school funds to establish three classes across the school to better support our students in small targeted groups.
Through our thorough situational analysis, we have identified the need to build the capacity of all staff in collecting, analysing, interpreting and using data to drive teaching and learning and to evaluate school performance. performance data will determine areas of need and success at a class and school level. The school is committed to delivering quality professional learning to all staff. This learning will ensure that both literacy and numeracy levels can be enhanced through improved data use, consistency in teacher judgement and quality teaching practices to support individualised and differentiated learning.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction position is a leadership role dedicated to ensuring that literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills are embedded in curriculum and assessment; high quality teaching practices are enhanced; and the capabilities of middle leaders are strengthened in literacy and numeracy instruction. It shares the broader educational imperatives of the Assistant Principal position but with an explicit focus on the leadership of effective, evidence-based literacy and numeracy teaching and assessment practices for improved student learning outcomes across the curriculum.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction provides high support and guidance to enhance teacher growth and development in literacy and numeracy and strengthens schoolwide instructional capabilities across the curriculum for middle and senior leaders.

02 97136220
02 97121825
350 Great North Rd
Abbotsford NSW
350 Great North Rd
