Kingscliff High School

School / Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago

Kingscliff High School is a large, co-educational and comprehensive school on the far north coast, with a current enrolment of 1100 students, including 14% of students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.  The school includes one integrated class and two multi categorical classes which cater for students with a range of disabilities.  The school is committed to transformative engagement and innovative pedagogies which includes a whole school coordinated professional learning focus, the development of student voice, building community links to support innovative learning opportunities and working with Schools Infrastructure NSW on a significant redevelopment of our school campus which enables innovative classroom practice.  The school has an active P&C and enjoys strong community support, in particular for differentiated learning, STEM learning and the positive behaviour expectations which we articulate as a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school.  A strong focus for our school is our ongoing and dynamic partnerships as a member of both the Tweed 5 community of high schools and the Coastal Learning Community of public schools catering to the communities of the Tweed Coast.

02 66749777
02 66743270
27 Oxford St
New South Wales
27 Oxford St
