Wyoming Public School

School / Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago

Wyoming Public School is located on Darkinjung traditional land on the Central Coast of New South Wales. It has a student enrolment of 357 students (Term 3, 2022) with 90 students identifying as having Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage and 58 students from a language background other than English.

Our seventeen classes are organised into both year and stage groups with three special education classes catering for students with mild- to moderate- intellectual disability or autism.

The school has 36 teaching staff and 14 School Administrative and Support Staff. It is also the base school for a Senior Psychologist, Itinerant Support Teacher Hearing and a Schools as Community Centre.  

The school is well resourced, with funding for Aboriginal Education, socio-economic background, integration, low-level adjustment for disability, English language proficiency and support for beginning teachers as part of the School Based Allocation Resource model (SBAR). 

The school culture is one of inclusivity, resilience and collaboration with teachers, students and community working together to promote school excellence. We have well established links with partner high schools, local preschools and schools within the Valley Schools Learning Community (Local Management Group). 

02 43252181
02 43236932
41 Maidens Brush Rd
New South Wales
41 Maidens Brush Rd
