Villawood North Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago

Villawood North Public School is located in South Western Sydney with 264 students and provides high quality education for a richly diverse community with 90% of students having a language background other than English. There are 28 different language backgrounds represented in the student population with the larger groups being Arabic, Vietnamese, Chinese and Pacific Islander.

The school supports students from low socio-economic, English as a Second Language and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. In response to its' complex student needs, the school is an Early Action for Success school. The school receives an Instructional Leader to support the early development in literacy and numeracy. The Instructional Leader works in collaboration with the Principal, school leadership team and teachers to integrate Early Action for Success initiatives into the school plan and programs. The community supports a focus on learning and a wide range of activities, which support the development of the whole child.

02 97241423
02 97282296
Bligh St
New South Wales
66 Tangerine St
